Sunday, 18 November 2018

Super Singer Vote for Poovaiyar and Harsha | Junior 6 Online Voting

After the Last Week Public Voting results and elimination, Here we have the Super Singer Junior Voting online on Vijay TV. Super Singer Junior Vote online on google can save your favorite singer. Harsha and Poovaiyar are the nominated singer contestants this week. One of them will be eliminated based on your public voting results.

#VoteToSave உங்கள் அபிமான #சூப்பர்சிங்கர் போட்டியாளரை காப்பாற்ற 'Super Singer Vote' என Google Search செய்து வாக்களியுங்கள்!

Two Unsafe contestants are announced on Star Vijay TV's Super Singer Junior 6 are Harsha and Poovaiyar. One of them will be eliminated based on your precious public voting results. Vote and Support Poovaiyar or Harsha on Super Singer Junior 6 online Voting.

Keep Watching Super Singer Vijay TV singing reality show every Saturday-Sunday 7 PM on Star Vijay Television Channel.


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      Poovaiyar k oru life kudnge sir yelane panam karng tha valrange awng tha jaikirange ana yelapatawnge varmarange daivasenji poovaiyar ku vayaip kudnge pls awrkum oru chance kudunge sir is my request thank u vijay tv

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    Very talent person I am very enjoy

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    I want to vote for Pooviyar

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    Hope to see pooviyar win the final only pooviyar must win

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    My vote for Boovaiyar 50 votes

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    My tambi povaiyar the title winner

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    poovaiyar ne sema da ne dhan win pannuva enaku romba pidicha singer da ne

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    My thambi ennado 50 vote goes to povaiyar
